Pre Press Facilities
Pre Press
Pre-Press is the nerve centre Sareh Graphics, This is where concepts and ideas are developed and woven with marketing strategies of our customers to attract the end users of the products produced by our customers.
We have well equipped Pre-Press facilities that can handle text as well as pictures depending upon the client requirements. Image manipulation can be handled either in IBM or Macintosh workstations. Our plate-making section prepares high quality plates which ultimately produce quality work. With the efforts of our skilled operators, we are capable of achieving high quality printing output. We accept all popular Mac & PC formats as well as any version of Quark Express, Indesign, Corel Draw, Illustrator, Photoshop, Free Hand, Ms Word, PowerPoint and PDF etc.
we have facilities to handle any other format according to customer's requirement.
Press Room
We have complete line of production facilities available under one roof, from initial designing to final packaging and delivery. We have fully equipped independent departments functioning together to tune the process smoothly.